Platinum Members
Exclusive Benefits for Platinum Customers
At OJ Washing Services, we value our loyal customers. That's why we have created exclusive offers and discounts specifically for our Platinum Customers. Enjoy special perks and savings as a thank you for your continued support.
All 5 Perks can only be used once each year
Only one perk per month
10% off 1 Pressure Washing Job
10% off 1 Window Washing Job
FAST TRACK : Get priority over other customers
Get 5 windows taken off final price
Get side walkways taken off final price
Becoming a Platinum Customer
Qualifying for our Platinum Customer status is moderately simple - Be a recurring customer 4 times in a one year period - write a review on our yelp business page - follow our Instagram page and Facebook page.
OJ Washing Services will keep track of when a consumer has reached platinum qualifications
You will receive an email regarding your upgraded benefits
Please fill out this form and specifically state which perk you are wanting to use.
OJ Washing Services will keep track of all Perks used by every customer.
Must be a Platinum member to use perks
Testimonials from Platinum Customers
Stay tuned as we gather testimonials from our Platinum Customers. Hear firsthand about their experiences and the benefits they have enjoyed by being part of our exclusive program.